Thursday, February 21, 2019

A vision towards sustainable concrete prepared by Mr. G.Jein Jenish 

Concrete is the most used man-made material on earth. It forms the foundations of cities and connects communities. Without it, many of the elements of modern life we take for granted today wouldn’t be possible – safe buildings and homes, roads, tunnels and bridges, clean water, and clean energy. Concrete will also play a vital role in providing solutions to the challenges of the future and in building a sustainable world of tomorrow. Concrete has amazing sustainability benefits and we are working hard to make it even more sustainable.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Three-phase soil system

Three-phase soil system Prepared by Mr.Bright Winsley

Soil is a three-phase system consisting of solid particles (called soil grains), water, and air. The void space between the soil grains is filled partly with water and partly with air. However, if we take a dry soil mass, the voids are filled with air only. In the case of perfectly saturated soil, the voids are filled completely with water.


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